Message from the General Manager

Dr. Abdul Fattah Shamout

General Manager

In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
Dear parents and guardians,
Peace and blessings be upon you,

As IPA enters its twentieth year, our schools are growing ever more vibrant, advancing confidently towards enhancing our educational system. We strive to benefit from the latest educational theories to empower students with critical thinking skills, expanding our partnerships with leading institutions in this field. We also aim to integrate technology into the educational process, leveraging the rapidly advancing scientific revolution in artificial intelligence.

Our schools believe in their pioneering role in discovering and nurturing students’ talents, providing the necessary support and resources to transform these talents into treasures that IPA contributes to the service of the nation and the wider community. We are fully aware of the urgent need to build a common language with parents concerning talent development, which will help us achieve our goals in uncovering and nurturing the latent potential of our students.

Our schools will remain committed to upholding values and establishing a robust system built on solid foundations. We aim to graduate generations that revere Allah, embody responsibility, excel in their endeavors, and understand the importance of cooperation and partnership in their social interactions.

Our schools have pledged never to separate knowledge from values; they progress hand in hand to shape the students’ character.

So, to our partners in this achievement, extend your hand in support as we embark on our three key projects that will define the upcoming phase: developing students’ thinking skills, nurturing gifted and outstanding students, and preserving our value system.

May IPA continue to be a beacon of knowledge, shaping generations, graduating leaders, and safeguarding morals and values.

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